How to Apply

Application Submission/Grant Portal
The Morton-Kelly Charitable Trust accepts grant applications only from July 1 to October 1 each year using an online grant application portal. The application period closes at midnight on October 1 and we are not able to grant extensions.
If it is your first time applying through our on-line system, you will need to create an account for your organization before completing an application. If you have applied previously, you can access the grant application portal using the same username and password. Contact us if you are not sure. An application form will only be visible on the site during the application period. Finally, you will be able to save and return to your work at any time before you submit.
All submitted applications will be acknowledged via e-mail receipt. The application and registration are available at the grant portal here.
2024 Guidelines
The application guidelines for the 2024 grant cycle are the same as last year. These are outlined below and in more detail on our Program pages. Our priorities emphasize arts and culture, elevating the diverse and rich cultural heritage of Maine, historic preservation and environmental initiatives.
Foundation Program Areas
The overarching interest of the Morton-Kelly Charitable Trust is to connect people and place through the arts, culture and the natural environment in Maine. Program Areas reflect how we believe communities, organizations and individuals can cultivate creative expression and a sense of responsibility towards one another and to the lands and waters around us. Proposals may be for operating support or specific projects and may be of local or statewide benefit. See Program Areas pages for more details and priorities.
Across all programs, community connection is paramount. We will give preference to organizations and programs that demonstrate:
- Equitable access for Maine residents
- Community representation in program design and delivery
- Expanded community connections and vibrancy through program activities
- Responsiveness to new voices and the less visible histories of Maine
- Deepening connections between people and place
How to Apply
A pdf of the complete guidelines including program areas on this website is downloadable. Click here to download.
Morton-Kelly Charitable Trust supports organizations and projects throughout Maine in its priority Program Areas. If your organization has received a grant in each of the last two years, please take a one-year hiatus before applying again. This does not apply to recently-funded Wabanaki-led projects. Please inquire if you have any questions.
Types of Grants
Applicants may request project or operating support. The same application is used for both types of grants. Project requests may be for specific community programs or for capital expenses such as historic preservation or cultural facility improvement projects. Projects should articulate clear goals, timelines and outcomes for the project. Operating support requests should provide information on the organization’s current strategic direction or priorities. In all cases, requests should align with at least one of our stated goals and priorities. We suggest that new applicants consider a project request before seeking operating support.
Grant Size
Up to $20,000 in grant funding may be requested.
Application deadline
The Trust considers grant requests once per year. The online grant application portal accepts applications only from July 1 to October 1. All requests will be acknowledged upon receipt. The application period closes at midnight October 1 and we are not able to grant extensions.
Review process
Please note that the Trust’s grants are competitive – we generally receive many more proposals than our resources allow us to fund. Typically, the Board reviews all requests in November and decision letters are sent before the end of December of each year. We expect 2024 to be another highly competitive grant cycle.
Past grants
See a list of past grants here.
Grant Reports
Grant reports are no longer required. The application has space for reporting on last year’s grant if you received one. We enjoy hearing about your progress!
Feel free to contact Lissa Widoff, Program Advisor at if you have any questions.
Other Considerations
- For capital funding requests, applicants should include a budget for the project and evidence of the fiscal and fundraising capacity necessary to complete the proposed work beyond the amount of the Morton-Kelly grant request.
- For Historic Preservation projects, applicants are strongly encouraged to provide a letter indicating that the Maine Historic Preservation Commission or appropriate Tribal Historic Preservation Office is aware of the project, and that work is being conducted to appropriate preservation standards.
- Projects or programs may include more than one Morton-Kelly Program Priority or Goal.
- We do not fund:
- multi-year requests
- endowments or annual campaigns
- political advocacy
- national or regional organizations based outside of Maine, except in cases where a project is being conducted entirely within the state;
- organizations that provide medical services, operate medical research facilities or focus on a particular disease or condition; or
- organizations that are primarily social service providers.